
A New Challenge

Alright, let's just say everything happens for a reason. With that said....today was our first official day of teaching our CTR 6 class. Exhausting pretty much sums up the entire three hour block of church. It didn't help that I have been sick for the past six days, but I wasn't about to leave Zach alone to start off our teaching career. We read through our lesson about three times, studying what we would do and say. We came up with a few fun activities and some clever topics of discussion (for six-year-olds). We set up our classroom all nice, of course I re-arrange the chairs in a more "pleasing" manor and Zach displayed our wonderful illustrations of the sons of Mosiah and Ammon and the Lamanites. We were ready.

Then walked in three 6-year-old children.

Two little boys, Joshua and Thomas. No fear at all, they talked away and probably didn't realize they were dealing with BRAND new teachers. Then walked in Brooklyn, accompanied by her adorable mother. Her mom told us she was VERY nervous to meet her new teachers. Then she left. Brooklyn was extremely shy, and took a while to even start answering simple questions.

Fast forward 25 minutes. They did NOT care about missionary work, nor did they care about the lyrics to "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission". Playing the Wii and their friends/teachers at school were the hot topics. I was struggling. Every line from the lesson I conveyed was being interrupted by the words "Mario Kart" and "This kid at school...".

Zach stood up from his chair and started talking about Ammon teaching the Lamanites. He told the story perfectly, and just as these little boys and girl would understand. I was amazed. They were silent for the 5-8 minutes the story took place. They all looked up at him in silence and truly listened to everything he had to say. Just when I thought I couldn't love him ANY more, he showed me I could.

Sharing time was worse. They were confined to their little chair and could NOT be still or quiet. Darling Brooklyn, who wasn't feeling well, asked to sit on my lap. I let her, knowing she had to warm up to me. She soon became comfortable and rested her head on my shoulder as she sang the words to "I Love to See the Temple." It melted my heart. It made the previous hour and a half totally worth it.

Zach is going to be a fantastic father, and I will pray EVERY night that my little girl wants to sit on my lap and rest her head on my shoulder. That would make everything...perfect.

The end.


  1. haha i love it! That totally reminds me of my class! But instead, they talk about rock band and this one little girl tells a story every week about how her mom cut her finger open and there was a lot of blood. very heartwarming :) But they sure can be cute sometimes! I bet you guys are great!

  2. Oh man sounds like my first day teaching CTR 5 minus a Zach. I could have strangled those little stinkers! But those sweet moments totally make it worth all the stress!
