
Real Life vs. Renderings

Junior year of design studio we did this design project for Jennifer Post (shown below)

She has her own design firm in NYC, and does amazing work. We designed an entire pre-war apartment in Paris in a couple of weeks. This was my second kitchen I had ever designed. I used Zebrano wood, one of my favorites.

Here is what it looked like below:

I know, the hand rendering isn't one of my best...but it was with my most HATED Prismacolor markers and YES the floor is WAY too dark. Looking back now, I laugh at what I knew about kitchens. Basically nothing...I just did what I thought looked the best. Turns out this kitchen is completely incorrect (in terms of production) but we'll pretend it is all good.

I also used manufactured wood on the door of the powder room of this project, and I still to this day want this door in my future home.

Fast forward 3 years. I was asked to design the Roth Display at the Roth Showroom on Foothill. It was a pretty fun project and even though I didn't get to pick the appliances....I got to do Madagascar Zebrano wood. Pretty funny that I look back on my past projects and I tend to stick with the same type of materials.

I thought this was pretty ironic. Look how hauntingly familiar it looks compared to my rendering....

So if you are ever at Roth, give the new display some lovin'! (Blow it a kiss from me:)


  1. I sure don't use "that side" of my brain haha. Your head is full of ideas and I love it!! Hopefully one day I can afford to hire you for my future home! Thanks for your advice by the way! I love your blog and all your ideas!!
