
Plane, not Plain.

I struggle with art. Someone can paint a blank canvas all orange...and it's art. Not fair. I think art should make SENSE. Maybe it is something you love, or whatever. But Zach and I can't find any art we love to put in our house. I saw this the other day in an online art shop. It made me think of Zach, because he's an aviation man.

But, Zach probably wouldn't be cool with a giant painting of poppies on our wall. So...
I thought I would make a diagram of how to fold two kinds of paper planes and turn it into art. So I made this for my valentine. Although the colors are not good yet, this is what I made Zach for our office wall. "How to Fold a Paper Plane."

And yes...I did have to google how to fold a paper plane. There are a LOT of steps. I love you valentine.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie! Have you checked out Brady Mathews artwork, he has some fantastic stuff.
